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Ministry  Objective & Skills

My ministry objective is to fulfill the Lord’s calling on my life by serving Him and His people as a senior pastor of a local church by loving, leading and living with them as a faith family. I desire to use the gifts, talents and experiences that Jesus has given me to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry and to engage with the lost in order to introduce them to Christ. I have a passion for preaching and teaching God’s Word, leading His people and reaching out to the lost. The primary motivation for me in ministry is to please God’s heart and glorify His name.

Expository Preaching


The greatest responsibility of a New Testament pastor is to preach the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of Christ. I have been fortunate to be trianed in the Expository method of preaching in Bible college and Seminary. I also have had the privilege to be influenced by the preaching ministry of men like Harry L. Shepherd,Dr. Johnny Hunt and 

Dr. Stephen Olford for training in the ministry of the Word. 


Jesus told Peter that if he loved Him he would feed His sheep. I am of the conviction that most loving thing I can do in Christ's name is to feed His sheep.




It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. I take very serious the call to lead God's people to fulfill His vision for His church. As a leader, I would never ask the people of God to do anything I am not doing or willing to do.


Leaders are willing to give of themselves for the sake of those they lead. Christian leaders equip, empower and engage their people in the Gospel ministry.


I find it very fulfilling to invest in the lives of the church staff and seek to help them be the best leaders they can be.

Pastoral Care

​Pastoral care for most church members would be identified as visting the sick, those who are homebound and those in the hospital. There is no doubt that pastoral care includes those but for a pastor to offer pastoral care he must first be a caring person. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care! I throughly enjoy showing the love of Christ and caring for His people and desire to help them in any way I can. 



When people talk about evangelism there is probably a false dichotomy between evangelism and making disciples. When Jesus gave us the GREAT COMMISSION He said we are to make disciples as we go about our everyday life. This includes and begins with sharing the good news of the Gospel.


I personally find great pleasure in having the opportunity to share the story of God's redemptive love and want to encourage God's people to do the same.


The Gospel of Christ is truly the good news the world is longing to hear!




Making disciples is truly at the heart of Gospel ministry and I aim to keep it as a focus of my ministry. From trianing Deacons to equipping new believers for Baptism I enjoy investing in the lives of those who call Christ their Lord and Savior.


The paradigm of discipleship is changing in these days from a come and get to a go and invest. In reality this shift is for the better and is based on the model Jesus used to make disciples. Making disciples requires believers to be actively involved in the lives of others helping them in their faith journey.


Pre-Martial, Marital & Need based Counseling

​As a pastor I sincerely desire to help those in need. The world we live in is complex and being a Christian does not exempt one from all that life brings with it, therefore, I try to help those who are planning to get married prepare before they face life together as husband and wife and if they fall on hard times in their marriage.


I view counseling more like discipleship than an "expert" trying to tell someone else how to live. I have found this approach or attitude towards counseling to be more effective through the years. 

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