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Salvation Story


My story begins by having had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home and for the most part attending Christian schools. I accepted Christ as an eight year old and continued in the faith until I became an older teen. As a junior I made a very unwise decision to quit high school and before long I found myself doing things and going places that kept me away from church. As a result, I found myself walking at a guilty distance from the Lord and living like the prodigal son. 


At the age of twenty-two I married my wife. We enjoyed some good times before the patterns of my old life began to intrued into our marriage. In less than two years, our marriage was on rocky ground and we were conteplating divorce. We spent our second anniversary at a funneral home because a cousin of mine had been killed in an accident. All I can say is that God is able to bring triumph out of tragedy! God used this horrible event to wake me up and bring me back to Himself. By God's grace He had saved me as an eight year old boy and by that same grace He brought me back home as a twenty-four year old man.

Call To Ministry


God's call on my life into the Gospel ministry came after my wife and I had gotten involved in church and was serving the Lord. After my cousin's death, we both recommitted our lives to Jesus and began to grow in Him. I began to teach Sunday school to my peers and serve in other ministries.


Life had never been better for us as individuals and as a couple. We were a happy family and enjoyed taking our son to church and experiencing life with others. Before long I began to sense that something was missing and an intense desire in my heart for God and His Word began to develop. It took me about six months of prayer, talking with my pastor and feeling like I no longer fit into my comfortable life to realize that God was calling me to preach His Gospel.


After making my calling public we began to make plans to leave everyone and everything we loved to attend Bible college. Seeking to follow the Lord, I attended and graduated with a BA in Theology from what is now known as The Baptist College of Florida in Graceville, FL. After college we once again left everything to follow the Lord and I attended and graduated with a MDiv from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. Along with my formal education I have had the opportunity to attend countless conferences, training events and life experiences to help equip me to fulfill the call God has placed on my life.


Contact Info



Chris W. Teseniar

9228 Wooden Rd

Raleigh, NC 27617



Areas of Ministry

Expository Preaching



Pastoral Care


Pre-Marital & Marital Counseling


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